Visit to Tell for sampling

Yesterday, Thursday, January 25th, a group of us visited the tell to take some samples for analysis from Area A. Alex, Louise, Steve Weiner, Elisabetta Boaretto, Yotam Asscher and some visitors from Australia came to the tell to take some samples for phytolith analysis and 14C dating from the early Iron Age levels in Area A (Louise’s area).
Since it has rained in the last few days, there was a lot puddle around the tell, but we were very lucky and had great weather. As usual, the views of the tell and the surroundings at this time of year are stupendous – and for those of you who only see it in the dry summer months – quite hard to believe.

Here are some pictures that I took yesterday:

A view of the tell from the north

Here are some of the group that was on the tell – all happy and cheerful!

Here is a view of the puddles in the squares in the eastern side of Area A – notice that so far, the balks are still standing not too badly!

Here is a view to the Bedouin camp just to the east of the tell

And here is Yotam – actually doing the work…

It’s always a pleasure to visit the site during the winter months!


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