Quiz (in the spirit of Purim)

Here is a archaeological quiz, in the spirit of Purim:

What site in the eastern Mediterranean does this picture hint to?

Pile of chocolate chip cookies

A free Safi T-shirt to the person who guesses correctly within the next 24 hours!

(those who have already heard the answer cannot participate…)

UPDATE: one of those who knew the answer posted the answer without noticing my comment in the parentheses, but the answer was deleted – so the quiz is still open!

Second update and hint: It’s a site which some suggest is connected to the Sea Peoples phenomenon…


29 thoughts on “Quiz (in the spirit of Purim)

  1. Ilka Knuppel Gray

    If you had asked what site in America, I would say Site 13 in Utah (near Canyon Lands National Park) since the earliest traces of chocolate were discovered there in pottery – 770 AD. :)


    1. arenmaeir

      Igor – you are right!!! :-)
      This is a “Pile of cookies no creamos”, or Pyla-Kokkinokremos, the well-known LC IIIA site, excavated and published by Karageorghis and Demas (1984)!!
      And now Igor – write to me an email with your address (and shirt size!) – and we’ll send you a shirt !!


  2. Pingback: Quiz is solved! | The Tell es-Safi/Gath Excavations Official (and Unofficial) Weblog

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