2nd riddle!

Since the first riddle/quiz was so popular, and so many people asked for more, here is another one:

What archaeological site in the Levant is hinted to in this picture?

like a lake

I’ll give three days to solve this – and once again – a Safi shirt to the one who solves it!

UPDATE: Eric (sometimes known as Chris…) solved the riddle, rightfully guessing my slightly warped perspective: …like a lake = lake-ish = Lachish… :-) (Eric – you’ll get the shirt you won in the summer)


P.S. In general, the saying on the picture is quite good advice for a happy life…

10 thoughts on “2nd riddle!

  1. Tall al-Hammam? It’s near a rather calm (one might say dead) lake, and if you accept the Sodom identification, its inhabitants had a notable relationship with kindness.

    I feel like this answer isn’t punny enough, though. . .


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