New paper on bone arrowhead from Area M (lower city)

I’m glad to announce the publication of a new paper from the Tell es-Safi/Gath Archaeological Project.

In this joint paper, written by Liora Horwitz, Ron Kehati, Maria Eniukhina, Iris Roman-Yaroslavski and yours truly, we study an exquisitely crafted bone arrowhead (see picture and drawing below) found in the lower city of Tell es-Safi/Gath (Area M), in the Iron IIA destruction attributed to Hazael of Aram.

The comparative typology, manufacturing technology, wear use, and battlefield effectiveness of the arrowhead is discussed, along with a possible connection to a previously reported bone tool workshop from Area F at Tell es-Safi/Gath, and the historical setting of the use of this projectile head.

The full reference is:

Horwitz, L. K., Eniukhina, M., Kehati, R., Groman-Yaroslavski, I., and Maeir, A. M. 2021. A Bone Projectile Point and Its Associated Workshop from the Iron Age IIA of Tell es-Safi/Gath. Near Eastern Archaeology 84(2): 120–29.