New article on the Tel Burna Survey

Itzik Shai and Joe Uziel, long-time staff members of the Tell es-Safi/Gath Project, and directors of the recently started Tel Burna Excavation Project have just sent me a pdf of an article on their survey on Tel Burna that just appeared in the journal Tel Aviv.

The article is entitled:
Uziel, J. and Shai, I. 2010. The Settlement History of Tel Burna: Results of the Surface Survey. Tel Aviv 37(2): 227-245.

In this study they summarize the results of the surface survey of the site that was conducted in 2009, and discuss the historical and methodological conclusions of the results. This is a very nice start to what hopefully will develop into a longterm project of central importance.

Joe and Itzik deserve deep congratulations for promptly putting out a very nice summary of their first season of work on the site.

As some of the locals say over here: Mabruk!!


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