The new fortifications and gate in the media

Yesterday and today (Aug. 3rd and 4th) I was interviewed by several journalists from the printed and electronic media in Israel, on the finds from the 2015 season, and in particular about the fortifications and apparent gate of the lower city which we discovered.

Here are the links – I’ll post them as they appear:

* Article in (maariv online, in Hebrew)

* Jerusalem Post (in English)

* I24news (in English and here in French)

* (long text in English)

* (long text in English)


* The week (where the gate is called “humongous”…)

* Haaretz (Hebrew)

* Haaretz (English)

* ArutzSheva (English)

* The Algemeiner (English)

* The Micro Finance Monitor (English)

* The Daily Mail (in English and quite extensive with many pictures!)

* South Carolina SC (English)

* Softpedia (English)

* Newser (English)

* Livescience (English)

* (English)

* Archaeology (English)

* News1 (Hebrew)

* USA Today (English)

* RT (English; and here in Spanish)

* RIU (Russian)

* Le Soir (French)

* (German)

* Zeit Online (German)

* Salzburger Nachrichten (German)

* Yahoo News (English)

* Clapway (English)

* NBC News (English)

* Europapress (Spanish)

* Origo (Hungarian)

* MSN (English)

* Discovery News (English)

* The Blaze (English)

* Inquisitr (English)

* The Cubic Lane (English)

* The Christian Times (English)

* Heritage Daily (English)

Sentinel Republic (English)

* HNGN (English)

* derStandard (German)

ABC13 Newsnow (English)

JSpace News (English)

La Stampa (Italian)

ATV (Hungarian)

* Yahoo Brazil (Portuguese)

Times of Israel (English; and here in French)

International Business Times (English)

AGERPRES (Romanian) (Romanian) (Romanian)

Mult-Kor (Hungarian)

Okezone (Indonesian)

Mirror (English)

* Eretz (English)

The Independent (English)

Newmax (English)

Centro Meteo Italiano (Italian)

Phapluat (Vietnamese)

NCYT Amazings (Spanish)

Info Europa (English) (English)

DC-News (Romanian)

Biobiochile (Spanish)

Forexreportdaily (English)

Christian Today (English)

Huffington Post (English with short video clip)

Prensa-Latina (Spanish)

AJN (Spanish) (Romanian)

National Post (English, with other items)

Western Journalism (English)

Kleine Zeitung (German)

* Berliner Morgenpost (German)

Boston Newstime (English)

Zimbabwe Nation (English)

Ghana Nation (English)

Jim Bakker Show (English)

Singapore News (English)

Fox News (English)