New article on the chronology of the LB/Iron Age transition

A new article (see here), a joint effort of several colleagues, which deals with the 14C chronology of the transition between the LB and Iron Age at Tell es-Safi/Gath, Qubur el-Walaydah and Megiddo, has just been published.
In this study, we argue that the the transition between the LB and Iron Age age commenced earlier than usually assumed (already in the 13th cent. BCE). In addition, we suggest that: a) it was a protracted process; b) it probably commenced earlier in southern than in northern Canaan; c) a methodological framework for comparing chronologies between sites over a relatively large region.
The article is a response to Israel Finkelstein’s response on an earlier article of ours – who has recently even published a second response…:-)
The full title is:
Boaretto, E., Asscher, Y., Hitchcock, L. A., Lehmann, G., Maeir, A. M., and Weiner, S. 2018. The Chronology of the Late Bronze (LB)-Iron Age (IA) Transition in the Southern Levant: A Response to Israel Finkelstein’s Paper. Radiocarbon. DOI:10.1017/RDC.2018.57
I do hope you will find this of interest – and that it will generate continuing discussion and debate! And I’m sure – not all will agree with our views! :-)