Zach Margulies lecturing at NYU!

Zach Margulies was on the Safi team for quite a few seasons (including serving as a square supervisor in Area F), and is currently working on his PhD at NYU.

Zach will be presenting a very interesting lecture at NYU next week (see details below).

Way to go Zach!

The Society for Ancient Studies — NYU’s ancient world interdisciplinary graduate student organization — is excited to announce that next Monday Zachary Margulies, of the NYU Skirball Department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies, will be delivering our second-annual graduate student invited lecture. Please find the details and abstract below, and the talk poster attached.

Zachary Margulies (NYU)
“Speaking Like Women: Achilles, David, and the Women’s Lament”
October 28, 2019 at 7:00pm
NYU Silver Center Room 503

Abstract: Lamentation over the dead in both Greece and the Near East was traditionally the domain of women. In the Iliad, this female genre is delivered with a specific form, distinct from that of men’s mourning speeches. In only the case of Achilles lamenting Patroclus, however, is a man depicted as using the women’s form, while intriguingly, the roughly contemporaneous biblical book of Samuel also records David delivering a lament over his companion, Jonathan, using a strikingly similar form. This talk will propose an explanation for these exceptional cases of ancient Eastern Mediterranean heroes engaging in marked women’s speech.

Please note that a reception preceding the talk will begin at 6:30pm.

HT: Jack Sasson