Safi III is out!

So glad to report that the third volume of the final reports on excavations of the Tell es-Safi/Gath Archaeological Project is out! Woohoo!

The volume deals with the Early Bronze Age of the site, the first volume dedicated to this period (with one or two more in the future). In addition, several more volumes, dedicated to other periods, excavation areas and topics will appear in the future as well.

Thanks to my co-editors Itzik and Haskel, to all the authors of the chapters, to Chris and Joe for assisting with the editing, and to all the staff and team members of the Safi team, all of whom worked hard so that we could have a great time excavating, and find, analyze and publish some great finds!

The title is:

Shai, I., Greenfield, H. J., and Maeir, A. M., eds. 2023. Tell es-Safi/Gath III: Studies on the Early Bronze Age, Part 1. Ägypten und Altes Testament 122. Münster: Zaphon.

The volume can be purchased on the Zaphon website.

Here is the front matter (including the table of contents) and the introductory chapter: